I Want to Be a Prosthetist When I Grow Up

When I speak to elementary classes about my arm, I encourage students to become prosthetists someday. It’s not a profession most kids or parents think about. Yet, it offers intriguing challenges, freedom to be creative, and many opportunities to help others in unique ways. And prosthetists never get bored. They get to use science, math, electronics, technology, engineering, and medical skills . . . all in a day’s work!

March 15, 2024– Nathan and Meredith are getting a master’s degree in prosthetics from Alabama State University. With me as their patient model, they began the long process of making a prosthetic arm as their final assignment.

April 19, 2024– I returned a month later for Meredith and Nathan to continue their work. Just look at all those straps, cables, and parts on the prototype! They will graduate May 3. One is headed to Tampa and the other to Cleveland for their residencies.

Good luck and big blessings to you both, Meredith and Nathan!

Chatting about Hard Things and Happy Things

If you’d like to hear me tell some stories from One Smile, One Arm, take a listen. Susan Hale of Homeschooling Super Moms adds great insight for parents when guiding their children to approach others with physical and learning challenges.

Check out the workshop host, Homeschooling Super Moms, on Facebook HERE.

Gadgets and Gizmos

A walk through my world reveals gadgets and gizmos that make my life with one arm a bit easier. A jar opener mounted under a kitchen cabinet. A metal stand to hold my blow dryer. And now, a device that automatically clips my fingernails!

Catch my interview with the son of the inventor HERE.